Spider & Insect Spray

Spider & Insect Spray
Hawk 255
Hawk 256
Spider & Insect Spray
Hawk 255
Hawk 256

Spider & Insect Spray

SKU: F00016


Hawkeye Spider and Insect Spray is a broad spectrum, general purpose, surface, crack, and crevice spray for controlling any insect and spider problem in and around buildings.

This 250ml bottle creates 12.5L of spray, an ample amount for a medium-sized house. If used correctly it could have enough for 2 or more applications. Each application gives 4-6 months of home protection.

The best product on the market to keep your house spider and insect free. 


Top notch product
+++ Excellent has kept the ants away from under the house +++

Directions for use

Shake Hawkeye Spider and Insect spray and add 20ml of product per litre of water in an appropriate sprayer, close the sprayer and mix the spray solution thoroughly. Apply to surfaces, cracks, and crevices to control insects and spiders. The spray should be applied using a fine even spray to ensure optimal coverage over the surface you are treating. Be sure not to spray past the point of runoff. See the product label for precautions when using the product. Treated areas should always be ventilated for at least 2 hours, and preferably 4 hours before re-using the area. To do this, open windows and doors (if possible) and allow outside air to flow through the treated area.

Take caution if spraying a house connected to a tank water supply. Don't spray roofs, gutters, or anything that could allow the spray to get into your water. 

If using to control crawling insects (eg. spiders, ants, fleas, cockroaches, bed bugs):

Apply a light spray as a barrier on surfaces where crawling insects have been seen, are known to walk over, or use as a harborage. For example, cockroaches like to harbor under fridges or ovens, and hunting spiders will crawl over doors and up skirting boards and walls. Web-spinning spiders will crawl around the wall/ceiling interface (scotia, cove, etc), and bedbugs often harbor behind skirting boards. A common application area for general crawling insect control is skirting boards and lower parts of walls, window and door frames, and perimeter of rooms or buildings. If you have a heavy infestation of insect pests, you should also treat outdoor areas, especially under decks, porches, and around vegetation. Hawkeye Spider and Insect Spray can also be used as a general barrier spray outside a building to reduce the ingress of crawling insects such as spiders and ants. To do this spray 1m up and 1m out from exterior walls.

If treating web-spinning spiders, do not clean away webs before application. Spray the web ensuring good coverage of the entire web. After two weeks the webs may be cleaned away. Web-spinning spiders often reside away from the web and are difficult to reach while spraying and often eat their web to recover energy. Spraying the web ensures they will still receive a dose of active ingredients,

If treating ants we recommend Hawkeye Ant Spray (exterior), Flea, Ant and Roach Spray (interior), and Ant Bait as the most effective solution to eliminate the nest. However, Spider and Insect Spray can be used to kill trailing ants but will not wipe out the nest. To do this, spray ant trails where ants are walking with a band that extends 5cm on either side of the trail to the point of, but not past run off.

When treating fleas, the recommended solution for application to soft furnishings is Hawkeye Flea, Ant, and Roach Spray. Spider and Insect Spray can be applied to hard surfaces or to soft furnishings that have minimal contact with people or pets, eg under couches, etc.

If used to control flying insects (eg. flies, crane flies):

Apply a light spray in a sweeping motion on surfaces where insects land such as ceilings, windowsills, or upper parts of walls and verandas. The spray pattern should be very fine droplets so they cover the surface evenly without pooling to form larger droplets that will drip (eg, not past the point of runoff). Application to ceilings in bedrooms is not recommended because of the possibility of overspray or drips falling onto bedding. Always cover food contact surfaces (eg benchtops) when applying and wipe clean after application in case of overspray. Likewise, furniture (eg couches) should be covered with a drop cloth. Flying insects that land and stay on a treated surface for long enough should pick up sufficient active ingredients to kill them, but the effect may not be instantaneous.

Spraying veranda or pergola ceilings early in the summer helps reduce the fly population indoors.

Tip: Keeping the dogs away from the front door reduces the fly population inside the house as they attract lots of flies.

If used to control biting, flying insects outdoors (mosquitoes, midges/sandflies):

Mosquitoes and midges rest in dark, humid outdoor areas, such as in tall grass, hollow trees, or under leaves. If mosquitoes are swarming around your house, apply a light spray of Hawkeye Spider and Insect Spray to areas around building foundations, shrubs, under and around patio furniture, in carports, or the garage. Check and treat outdoor storage sheds as well. Do not spray on plants that are flowering when spraying outdoors.

Frequently asked questions

Is it dangerous?

The product is no more hazardous than other common chemicals found around the home. While the concentrate has some hazards we do recommend that safety instructions are always followed to ensure the highest possible safety measures while using Spider and Insect Spray.

When Should Spider and Insect Spray be used?

Hawkeye Spider and Insect Spray is broad spectrum so can be used for any insect problem in and around buildings. For some insects, we recommend insect specific products, eg ants, wasps, cockroaches etc, but Spider and Insect Spray is an essential tool for broad spectrum control and the only product we sell that will control spiders

What do you mean by “don’t spray past the point of run off”?

Products such as Hawkeye Spider and Insect spray should be applied as a fine spray, where the spray droplets are very small. Ideally these should cover the surface evenly, but not to the point where they pool together to form larger droplets on the surface. This is called the point of run off. If this occurs these larger droplets can run (vertical) or drip (ceilings) off the surface, and means too much spray has been applied.


How can I find out what insect pests I have?

Our Problem Solver may help you identify the insect pest that you have. If you are still unable to identify the insect Contact Us and our entomologist will work with you to identify the species and provide advice on the recommended solution and application of the products for the best result.

What is paraesthesia?

Paraesthesia is an effect that may be exhibited upon skin exposure to high levels of some synthetic pyrethroids during application. It manifests as a numbing sensation on sensitive skin areas (eg face or earlobes) and typically lasts for up to 24 hours. Symptoms may be be relieved by Vitmain E based creams. Paraesthesia is not indicated with any other chronic or ongoing health effects.

Will it control White Tailed Spiders?

Yes. Hawkeye Spider and Insect spray is excellent for controlling all spiders, including white tailed spiders. See directions for use.

Technical Information

Hawkeye Spider and Insect Spray will last for up to 4-6 months when properly applied and depending on the environment. It is highly active against all insect and spider species making it the ideal choice for general pest control on multiple types of bugs or if the actual pest can't be identified. It has low toxicity to humans for its chemical class and can show a repellent effect against some insects, such as flies.

Note: Spider & Insect Spray is a class 9 DG, which means an additional $0.50 surcharge on shipping.

Deltamethrin is the active ingredient, which belongs to the synthetic pyrethroid family of chemicals that are active against all insects and spiders. This family of chemicals works by causing the insect's nerve cells to fire continuously, causing overstimulation and eventually killing the insect. Common signs are insects with jerking and rapid movements, such as what happens when the fly spray is used on a fly. Products like fly sprays also contain synthetic pyrethroid, just a different pyrethroid to the one used in Hawkeye Spider and Insect Spray. Fly spray pyrethroids are typically non-residual, meaning they don’t last long, whereas Deltamethrin is very residual and should provide insect control for up to 4-6 months after application, depending on the environment.

All insects’ speed of metabolism is directly related to the ambient temperature. This means that at higher temperatures their metabolism works faster which can allow them to detoxify higher levels of insecticide active ingredients. The outcome of this is that during hot summer days, insects like flies may seem to survive landing on a treated ceiling where the air temperature is highest. But as the temperature cools overnight, any fly landing on a treated surface should succumb to the insecticide and be dead by morning. While this effect can occur with all insects it is especially noticeable in flying insects because they can get away from the insecticide immediately, unlike crawling insects who need to crawl off the surface during which they will likely pick up a larger dose.