Wasp Bait - High Infestation (No Stations Included)

renovo 1465 v5
renovo 1465 v5

Wasp Bait - High Infestation (No Stations Included)

  • Stable at room temperatures Stable at room temperatures
  • Can be used all year round Can be used all year round
  • Safe for Bees Safe for Bees

SKU: F00129


Hawkeye Wasp Bait is now a new form of bait, that has an improved formulation that has been extensively trialed in New Zealand 

Wasp Bait now comes in 500ml liquid bait and works the same as our older version of gel bait, typically wiping out the nest in 3-4 weeks. 

Includes 500ml Wasp Bait and x15 Commercial Bait Wells. This product is specifically designed to wipe out German & Common wasp nests and is the product you need to repurchase additional bait when you already have stations set up. Does not control Paper wasps.

Please note that commercial stations are not included with this product and will need to be purchased separately.


Product arrived. I have put 14 Bait stations out and the wasps are defiantly taking bait. I haven't noticed a decline in numbers yet. but I am waiting and checking to see If i need to renew baits.
Works brilliantly! Will be a returning customer for sure!
Great service over and above to supply us with our purchase. Thankyou.
Excellent wasp bait had high numbers around our hives. now we have none
Arrived next morning.
Seemed to work in Autumn we will see how well it does this spring . Wasps active already in Auckland.
I use this every year. Excellent.
I've used Hawkeye for the last few seasons. As a bee keeper it has become my go to product when I can see wasp numbers are on the rise.
I use the wasps lure and trap to get an idea of the 'wasp density' then I load up the bait stations when this 'was density' is high. With in days there is a measurable difference.

Used it last year also.
Works very well, vast decline in wasp numbers compared to previous year
A really good product. The bait is attracting both common and german wasps. Cannot find their nests in a large garden of approximately 2 acres, so hope that the bait can help eliminate them.
Baits on 4 stations have been depleted every 4-5 days since putting them down 23 days ago. The supporting lure trap has been cleared every 4-5 days of around 1-1.5 kg of dead wasps. System working very well indeed.
This stuff is just awesome!!!!
Excellent product, easy to follow directions. Bait station took very little time to figure out how to assemble. Bait excellent at attracting wasps, have seen decrease in numbers over time.
Early days but looking very promising
Certainly attracts wasps in large numbers, but many wasps die in the bait stations, I don't know how many get back to the nest with the poison. The bait needs refilling every day and around my house I have seven bait stations. I have used over 250-300 mls of the bait and still have wasps, although the numbers do seem to be declining. I also use traps with a wasp attract liquid purchased in 5 ltre quantity from Farmlands. This smells the same as the wasp bait and works well in the traps I have previously purchased from Hawkeye.
I do think the price of the bait at over $100 incl freight for 500 mls is off-putting. Could you consider 1 ltre bottles or 2 litre bottles at a discounted price?
I am going to need more as the wasp season here at Ruapehu is just started.
Great product. Had just started to get a few wasps hanging around the house. After 10 days of bait out , nothing. I already had the stations from last year and had found the product fabulous then.
We have used a bottle of hawkeye wasp bait, the bait was put out where wasp numbers were very high and wasps "swarmed" all around bait stations, in a feeding frenzie. I would recommend hawkeye wasp bait very highly.

Speedy delivery.
First time I will be using the bait but have used the liquid lure to gain wasp numbers around the hive areas with good effect.
The wasps are definitely attracted to it and there are a number dead in the bait cups.
I put too much in to start with and left them too long to check and the bait had crystallised - after communicating with Mark I am putting in less and checking more regularly.
Some clarity around that when buying it would be good - reading the instructions doesn't always give the same understanding as communicating directly with someone.
Being able to buy it in bigger volumes would also be handy.
We have found the wasp bait, for high infestation has been very good, wasp numbers have been very much reduced.
The one problem we did have tho is the wee dishes are too deep, wasps were drowning rather than going back to the nest, as they were unable to get out once they fell in. We ended up putting the solution into little dishes shallow enough for the wasp to drink then fly away. At times we had up to 6 - 7 wasps feeding from the dishes.
Have been using across our 3 hectare bush block for the last 10 days. Good take up by wasps and numbers now declining appreciably.
Definitely attracts the wasps and some large flies and the odd moths. Our bees are ignoring it. Steadily the number of wasps are reducing and with one site the bait was consumed repeatedly within two days. Useful tool to reduce wasp population before they switch to a more protein diet and start to attack the bee-hives.
I bought the wasp lure last week and have already knocked back the wasp infestation. It’s a great tool to use when you can’t find the wasp nest. Thoroughly recommend!

Directions for use

Hawkeye Wasp Bait should be placed where wasps are foraging for food for best results. It shouldn’t be placed anywhere there are strong odours that could mask the ‘smell’ of the attractants in the bait, for example, do not place Hawkeye Wasp Bait near flower beds, especially if they have a strong fragrance. Ideally, the placement will be in an open position out of all-day sun, but the primary consideration is putting it where wasps are foraging.

Once you have the location for bait placement decided, assemble stations and put them in the predetermined positions. They can be attached using cable ties or a screw or tack into fences, posts, trees etc.

Put the required amount of bait in the bait well. Each well will be approximately half full with the required amount of bait (10g for home user wells and 20g for commercial user wells).

Place the well in the provided cavity in the station and close the station.

You should notice a reduction in wasp activity within a couple of weeks of placement, with elimination of the nest occurring in approximately 4 weeks.

If the bait changes appearance and looks white, ‘fluffy’ and no longer seems to be attracting wasps, this means the bait is spent – wasps have taken all the active ingredient and attractants out. The spent bait residue should be discarded and replaced with fresh bait.

Frequently asked questions

Does the Wasp Bait eliminate an entire nest?

Yes, Hawkeye Wasp Bait has been designed to eliminate entire nests and colonies, provided that, you use enough bait for the size of the nest(s). Due to the nature of the slow acting active ingredient, you do have to be patient for the wasp bait to work, as it requires enough workers feeding on the bait and returning to the nest, along with recruiting others to come and feed on the bait. You should notice a reduction in wasp activity within a couple of weeks and elimination of the nest happening in approximately 4 weeks.

How does Hawkeye Wasp Bait differ to other Bait products in the market?

Hawkeye Wasp Bait is a protein and carbohydrate bait and the benefit of this is that it can be used all year round. It can be stored at ambient temperature and lasts for 2 years. Other similar products on the market tend to be only protein, therefore only having a short timeframe in the wasp life cycle where they require only protein for the nest. Hawkeye Wasp Bait will last out in the stations for 2-3 weeks, you will need to keep an eye on the bait if infestation levels are really high, it may need switching out sooner.

What is the active ingredient and how does it work?

Hawkeye Wasp Bait contains 0.4% indoxacarb. Indoxacarb has a low mammalian toxicity and is one of the safer insecticide active ingredients to be used around people and pets. The product itself is no more toxic than table salt (though it should never be consumed, and we do suggest to keep it out of the way of pets)

Are honeybees attracted to Hawkeye Wasp Bait?

No. We have done extensive studies and trials around New Zealand with beekeepers to show that bees have no attraction to our Hawkeye Wasp Bait formulation. It has been scientifically designed to have a deterrence for bees. Beekeeper testimonials and trial data is available upon request.

What is the difference between Hawkeye Wasp Bait and Wasp Lure?

Hawkeye Wasp Bait is formulated to wipe out nests of Common and German Wasp species. It contains a slow acting active ingredient, the wasps feed on the bait and transport it back to the nest. Wasp Lure is a non poisonous attractant that lures the wasps into the trap and works by attract and trap mechanism that once the wasps fly in, the cannot escape therefor drowning in the lure solution. This product is good for use in low infestation situations, or to work as a dual product with wasp bait to decrease the bio mass of the nest and therefore less bait will be needed during treatment to wipe a nest out.

When should I start using Hawkeye Wasp Bait?

We recommend using Hawkeye Wasp Bait once you are experiencing high wasp pressure (20+ wasps in a vicinity at any one time. In lower pressure situations, take a look at our Wasp Lure product.

Where should I place Hawkeye Wasp Bait on my property?

Placement of wasp bait depends on where the wasps are foraging and the surrounding environment. Getting optimal placement of the bait and stations can take some time to figure out. If you are struggling to get wasps feeding on the bait, contact us for further advice.

I know where the wasp nest is. Should I use Hawkeye Wasp Bait to eliminate it?

While you can use Hawkeye Wasp Bait, if you know where the nest is located and it is a hazard to yourself or family, we recommend calling a professional Pest Controller who can get rid of the nest straight away.  

Technical Information

Hawkeye Wasp Bait is a scientifically developed bait consisting of protein,  sugar and highly attractive food-grade volatiles that draws wasps to the bait stations. The wasps feed on the sugar content of the bait and take the protein and active back to the nest to feed the young ones, resulting in wiping out the whole nest.

Wasp Bait Safety Data Sheet 

Wasp Bait User Leaflet 

Hawkeye Wasp Bait is made up of wasp attractants, wasp foods and insecticide active ingredient to provide a highly palatable matrix to wasps that is taken back to the nest and eliminate it.

It has been deliberately formulated with an active ingredient that is slow acting so that it will be taken back to the nest and distributed around all the wasps instead of killing the wasp transporting it. Because of this, it takes time to work and does not give an instant kill of foraging wasps.

Foraging wasps have been given information from scout foragers on the location of good food for the nest. It is vital for the performance of the wasp bait that it is placed out where wasps are foraging, otherwise uptake will be poor. It shouldn’t simply be placed in the wasp flight path, or put out when wasps are not actively foraging, eg during times of stress or drought when nest growth slows.

Hawkeye wasp bait can be stored for up to 2 years under ambient conditions in the provided packaging. Refrigeration is not necessary.

Hawkeye wasp bait has been formulated to be attractive all year round. It can be used at any time of the year without the need for prebaiting.